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Thursday, June 30, 2011

All Done!

all done!!! we have moved. we are now in Pensacola, FL...hello beaches and possibly more freedom. now i am on the hunt to do something with my life. what do i mean? ie: school, job, doctoral program. wish me luck! Happy Moving Day :)

~more to come later...

Monday, June 20, 2011


i will be MIA because we (my family and i) are in the process of moving. oh what fun. but i hope this will allow everyone to relax a bit! i hope we like the new place :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Going to...

going to Orlando and I get to see...Mickey Mouse! super excited been a while since my last Disney Trip. you are NEVER to old for Disney World :)

~more to come later...

Monday, June 6, 2011

is it really getting better?

is it really getting better...we shall see. parents are still SUPER mad at me over a boy. there was at least some dialog but still, my own mother does not consider me her daughter anymore. I guess there comes a time where mother and daughter must go there separate ways and only be there for advice for each other and not how to dictate life. This will take time to mend, but I am growing a lot from this and learning to live as if i am by myself. i pray the decision i make are not those that will allow what my mother has been saying to be true...i do not think so, but one cannot see into the future only speculate. keep praying all and thank you!

~more to come later...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

when it looks pretty

when my blog looks pretty...i am inspired to blog more :) still praying and attempting to prove those who doubt me wrong. i still hope some of my family will be on my side.~Prayerful and Hopeful Daughter of Yours Lord.

~more to come later...

Friday, June 3, 2011

what is this???

i know i have not been the best daughter as I have been getting older and thinking that I am much wiser, but seriously, i wish my mother would come back to talking to me. it has been 3 days now. how much longer can this go on? please prayers are needed. thank you al!

~more to come later...