hi readers! long time since i have posted. well, lots going on. here are some updates:
--thanks for stopping by to read my blog
--there may be less product reviews on my blog as the company i was blogging for, they seemed to change their platform, so harder to get things to review and blog about. it is ok. i have acquired quite a bit, so it is a welcomed change.
--i want to get back to doing more blog hops/memes/fill in the blank post. let me know if you know of any good ones.
--i may be having an upcoming cataract surgery coming up. it is one of the side effects of a previous surgery i had in my eyes to fix my detached retinas.
--best news all week is this: i have a new cousin! he was born May 27, 2015. he is such a blessing. he has been 12 years in the making for my aunt and uncle. Congratulations to them!!! they kept it a secret until he was here as there have been many years of heartache due to MANY miscarriages etc. i understand their reasoning. but he is here now and doing well and now is home with his mom and dad. they are older parents (late 40's-50 for mom and mid 60's for dad) so i wish them a long and healthy life to see their son grow. a true blessing and miracle indeed. this event warmed my heart and made me realize there is still hope for me and all my other friends that may be going though a difficult time conceiving.
