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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Swago in April and 700SB

Hi Readers! Swagbucks has one more bit of April fun - it's the return of Swago! It's just like bingo, but in this case you're filling out squares as you earn points on their site for doing things you already do shopping, searching and visiting sites. The best part is that the points you get can be used to get free giftcards to places like Amazon, or PayPal cash!

Fill up your board and then submit your pattern to get even more points - if you can fill in the whole board, you get a 700 SB ($7) bonus! Click HERE to signup and get started! If you sign up through MY LINK and earn 300 SB before May 1st, you'll get a bonus 300 SB! Enjoy and happy earning.



  1. OK, now I've never heard of this. Gonna see what it's all about! #fbfab

  2. This is first news for me! It seems super convenient!

  3. How interesting! I'll have to look into this more. Thank you!

  4. I have never heard about this and this sounds really interesting . Thanks for sharing


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