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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Six word Saturday and Stealing Sunday!

"Saturday spent at the doctor's office"

yep that is right! so today is saturday and i went to see the doctor. the only thing nice about saturday appt. is that i do not have to take off work. i am not to sure how i feel about her as she was a bit forceful and not listening. then she started asking me questions i did not know the answer to or heck, no one knows the answers too such as why do you have this and this? ummm, you are the doctor, you need to tell me why i have this and this, that is why i came in to see you. she ran test and then got me scheduled for a new appt. to come back. i think i am going to switch doctors. not a fan.

Stealing Sunday Thanksgiving Edition Meme's!

1. What do you have for breakfast on Thanksgiving?--usually this and that b/c busy prepping the meal for dinner

2. Do you go to a Thanksgiving parade or watch one on TV?--the Macy's Day parade on TV (would like to go in person one day!) 

3. Do you serve appetizers, lunch, or snacks during the day?--just this and that.  

4. What are the traditional favorites?--turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing  

5. What new recipes will you try this year?--not too sure. i am sure some veggie dish or maybe an added hen to the mix

6. What part of the meal do you never compromise?--turkey(the wing), stuffing, a veggie, and dessert.  

7. Who gets to carve the turkey?--daddio!

8. Family style around the table or buffet style and everyone sits wherever there’s room?--around the table. the food is set out buffet style

9. How many will be at your table this year?--4 to 6 (hopefully in the future with my own family there will be more)

10. Once you're at the table, do you say grace or a toast or does everyone go around and say what they're thankful for?--we say grace

11. Cranberry sauce… yay or nay?--yay!

12. What time do you eat Thanksgiving Dinner?--5pm or 6pm  

13. Three best pies for Thanksgiving dessert?--pumpkin, apple, or cheesecake(that counts as a pie right?) 

14. Do you have dessert right after the main meal or later on?--right after  

15. Favorite leftover?--all of it! makes a great lunch for work the next few days!

~eloquently rambling...


  1. I think I would switch doctors as well.

    1. mlissabeth, i am planning on it. now to start the process of finding one again and the whole insurance issue.


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