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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday Social Favorites

happy Sunday and welcome to Sunday Social! what would your answers be?

Social Sunday

1. What is your favorite genre of music?--soft rock and r and b

2. What is your favorite genre of movies?--drama and comedy

3. Do you watch reality TV? If so what was the first show you remember watching?--i do like Reality TV. the first one i saw was Real World...New Orleans

4. Who is an actress you’d want to be BFF’s with?--Lupita Nyong'o of course. i mean come on we are almost like twins...or at least sisters!


5. Who is an actor you’d be happy to be stuck on an island with?--EJ Dimera from days of our lives. I am sure he could phone Stephano and get us out :)



  1. Oooo EJ Dimera, yes please! lol! I heard he may be leaving the show!! I hope it's just a rumor. I know for sure that Sami is gone towards the end of the year.

    1. Yes, EJ Dimera is leaving...i do not know if it is with Sami or after Sami leaves. sad. what have they done to Days???

  2. I agree on Lupita. She seems like a total sweetheart. She's the most beautiful woman in the world I think.

    1. Erin, yes she seems like a real sweetheart and humble too. She is indeed beautiful and People thought so too!

  3. You really do look like sisters! She seems like a sweet gal and a wonderful friend to have.

    1. Thank you Tami!. maybe i could be her stunt double or something?


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