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Monday, March 31, 2014

About me Monday and FunDay!

 About me Monday! Happy Monday to all :)

Acting Balanced
1. Tuesday is April 1st - will you be participating in April Fool's Day?
--no, but I look forward to reading and hearing about others

2. Describe the month of March in 5 words or less...
--hot and cold, pick one!

3. Do you like fish?  Have you had/would you have an aquarium in your home?
--as an animal, i do not mind them. as food, i am allergic to all things in the water/seafood. a home aquarium would be neat to have.
4. April is National Poetry Month - do you write/read poetry?  Share a favorite if you have one!
--i read it when i have to or if they are in a card. no favorite one really. i like the ones in greeting cards and love poems written from the heart. 

Another fun link-up is here with Being Molly :) and Monday Funday!



Sunday, March 30, 2014

Relax and Accomplish

happy Sunday! Time for Sunday Social with the Ladies :) All about relaxing and accomplishments this week. 

Sunday Social

1. What is your ideal way to relax?
A: sleeping in late. then waking up, grabbing a diet coke or sweet tea and watching tv with some yummy snacks.

2. Where is your favorite place to be?
A: anywhere with family and friends...oh and Disney World too!

3. Who do you consider your biggest role model?
A: my family and the person i am dating. i look at it this way; my family is quiet accomplished so i have some BIG shoes to fill, but they are very encouraging and supportive and i hope i would be dating a man worth looking up to at all times. 

4. What does your life look like in 3 years?
A: hmmm, hopefully i would still be employed somewhere, i would be healthy, happy, gone on a few trips, got a new car, saved up some money, and oh yea...moved out with my own place.

5. If you could go back and change one decision, what would it be?
A: hmmm, everything happens for a reason, but i would go back and change my eating habits and taking my diabetic meds like i should and perhaps i would have better control now. lesson learned and i am doing much better. those days of it will not happen to me are over! also, i would have started blogging sooner :)

6. What is your biggest accomplishment in life thus far?
A: it would have to be getting my Masters Degree in Public Health. i had a rough road with it, but i sat down and focused and in less than two years i got it with a 4.0 GPA too! also, finding a job so quick after getting it in education was a BIG accomplishment and surprise too!

**what are your answers?**


Saturday, March 29, 2014

20 Questions Sunday Stealing

happy Saturday! it is a damp one for me today :( Jax Sharks play their FIRST arena football game today so best wishes, best cheering, and hopefully a win! here we go now with Sunday Stealing...on Saturday b/c well, it is a Time Zone thing! 

The 20 Quest. Meme

1. When you buy a greetings card are the words or the picture more important to you?--words and then price.

2. What's your favorite kind of cake?--red velvet

3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them?--sometimes. i will make like bath salts or drink mix.
4. You are chosen to have lunch with the President. The condition is you only get to ask one question. What do you ask?--oh fun! i would ask Mr. President, will you hire me?

5. Which do you dislike most: pop-up ads or spam email?--spam e-mail. you can stop pop-ups or block them, but that pesky spam e-mail, not so much. 

6. What was the best party you've ever been to?--have not been to one in a while, but i would have to say, i really like Wedding parties a lot.

7. Which is worse, being in a place that is too loud, or too quiet?--to loud, after a while it does hurt the ears.

8. You are offered an envelope that you know contains $50. You are then told that you may either keep it or exchange it for another envelope that may contain $500 or may be empty. Do you keep the first envelope, or do you take your chances with the second?--at this point in my life, i would chance it and go for the possibility of the $500.00

9. Do you wish cellphone etiquette was a required class upon purchasing one?--not really. most places now have a no cell phone rule/policy. if you are on your phone, no service. i do wish they would offer a class on how to use your cell phone b/c these smart phones can be tricky!

10. What's the most messed up food combination that you've had that was actually good?--i would have to say creating omelets as you can mix and match them with anything and somehow they come out good. 

11. What's one of your most random pet peeves (something that annoys you)?--when someone is upset, they tell you they are, and you ask what is wrong and they say, i do not want to talk about it? well, why then did you tell me you are upset and it is all over social media? hmmm?

12. When is the last time you had home cooking?--about a few hours ago. i made breakfast.

13. If you could be a fictional character from a book who would you choose?--Anastasia from 50 Shades of Grey.

14. If you could be in a television sit-com, which would you choose?--Real Housewives of (pick a city)! i have a few things i would really like to say to some of those ladies. 

15. If you could be any animal or creature for one day, what would it be?--a bird, so i could fly anywhere.

16. What's your favorite girl's name?--Allison

17. What's your favorite boy's name?--Kingston

18. What's your supermarket of choice?--the one with sales...usually just go to Wal-Mart, but if prices were better or i had more money...Publix all the way!

19. If you were to attend a costume party tonight, what or whom would you go as?--Lady GaGa. i would just put on a hodge podge of things on me you know like, balloons, faux fur, meat,, you get the picture!

20. What is your concession stand must-have at the movies
?--candy like chocolate covered raisins, gummy bears, chocolate covered mints etc. 

*what would your answers be?*


Friday, March 28, 2014

Fill 4 in and Haps and Craps

happy Friday! i am glad you are here! here we go with Fill in the 4 blanks with Feeling Beachie
what do you think Hilary and others of the Twitter hashtag for this being #FillFourIn ? btw on twitter i am @noruby
Feeling Beachie
The statements:
I love to ____________in the _____________

I _______________a lot when I’m ___________________

My least favorite household chore is _______-/li>
When I walk through the ice cream aisle at the supermarket, I think _______

My Answers:

I love to SLEEP IN in the MORNING


My least favorite household chore is HANGING BACK UP THE SHOWER CURTAIN
When I walk through the ice cream aisle at the supermarket, I think I HOPE THEY HAVE THE KIND I AM CRAVING AT THE MOMENT
Happies and Crappies w/Vintage Modern Wife
The Vintage Modern Wife & Brunch with Amber: Happies and Crappies Link Up
Happies: made natural deoderant---feeling better---good overall week---sugars got better---got good compliments from the VP and President of the school---have some extra time off---i finally got my hamburger.
Crappies: it hurt really bad to swallow this week---brother needs to do better in his college work and re-tool how he studies---i have too much to catch up on...ahhh!---had meetings all week---went a bit late to a meeting this week :(
tweet with #HappiesAndCrappies

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Currently and other Link-ups

happy Thursday which means it is almost Friday! so what is currently going on with you thus far? i am "currently" linking up with Harvesting Kale to let you all know.


--sick :(
--interested in hearing and seeing how the "lunch with the college president" will turn out
--not able to swallow to well as it hurts :(
--rocking in saving some money...almost enough for a new car...ALMOST
--deciding what type of school to go back to/for to continue on with a PhD or maybe pick up a skill
--at work
--linking up with some other blog hops/link-ups.
--wondering why i am not getting as many comments on my blog post? come on you all, we all love a comment or 2 or 3 or 10...ok you get it!

currently the other "themes" for this link-up are...facing, snapping, counting, loving, hopping
 so...currently i am...
 --FACING my computer :)
--SNAPPING pictures of all things including the carpet, my meals, anything
--COUNTING how many students i have seen thus far for the grant program i work for
--LOVING anything that will make me feel better after this nasty cold, virus, whatever it is that is making me sick
--HOPPING from tab to tab on my computer (you know you have more than one tab open at a time)

 *what is currently going on with you?*


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ask Me Coffee Chat

happy Tuesday and it is time for Coffee Chat! i am more of tea today as i am not feeling too well at the moment. i hope to get better soon. so let's talk about, what question would you ask everyone you meet?
hmmm, i think i would have to ask, "and your name is?" sometimes i actually forget. yes, that is strange, but i do, especially when the conversation is a good one. you know how with some people you just jump right into a conversation? yea, and at the end you tell someone else about the conversation and realize that you never got a name? ugh, dislike it when that happens. so yea, now i really try and make an effort to ask..."and your name is?"

i missed the Monday Quiz about me b/c well, i am sick and got busy as i just came back from a week off for Spring Break. btw, where is the spring weather?? hot, cold, hot, cold, get the idea.  well, here it the Monday Quiz about me with Acting Balanced

1. Wednesday is "Make Up Your Own Holiday day" - what will it be for you?--national nap day would be for me. lately i love to sleep, especially right after lunch and when it is quiet
2. Is your March full of madness?--no, but full of cold weather. really my March Madness bracket was done when Mercer beat Duke. i mean who beats Duke in basketball?
3. Yesterday was National Chip and Dip day - are you a fan?  What is your favorite dip, favorite chip?--love chips and dip! i like tortilla chips with queso dip
4. Is it a good idea to write about discord in your workplace on your blog?--not really, i do not. i just give a general idea/overview if that is something i want to discuss such as "communication was not the best at the office today" or "everyone seemed to be out and that made me really stressed out, i need my staff!"


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Social-3 Edition

happy Sunday and it is time for Sunday Social. All about 3's :)

Sunday Social

1. Top 3 things you can't go a day without doing
--waking up, using the bathroom, and logging onto the internet

2. 3 things that scare you the most
--bugs, snakes, and loosing a loved one over petty issues

3. 3 places you want to see before you kick the bucket
--all 50 states, Italy, China (the Great Wall of China)

4. 3 movies you will always love
--12 years a slave, the devil wears prada, and sex and the city, the movie and the HBO series.

5. 3 favorite current songs
--water runs dry by Boys 2 Men, in my mind by Heather Headly, and count on me by Whitney Houston and CeCe Winans

**what are your 3's?**


Saturday, March 22, 2014

The 17 Meme w/Sunday Stealing

happy Saturday! glad you are here! i am actually ready to head back to work, this week off has been an interesting one. is Sunday Stealing on Saturday (it is a time zone thing!) i need to find a neat blog link-up or blog hop for Thursday's any suggestions?

Sunday Stealing--The 17 Meme

1. Do you know triplets?--no, only the ones they seem to showcase on tv

2. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?--the Titanic

3. Have you ever eaten Indian food?--yes and it was quite good! i really like their flat bread

4. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?--too many! Red Robin--yum, Macaroni grill, Olive Garden, McDonald's, Chinese Buffets

5. Who’s your favorite person in the world?--anyone in my family and usually a significant other (there, no one's feelings are hurt :)

6. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? --the suburbs

7. Can you whistle?--sometimes and for a short while
8. Do you sleep with a nightlight?--yes, but only b/c when i get up at night to use the restroom, i like to see where i am going. running into things at night is not fun. the night light is in the hallway.
9. Do you eat breakfast every morning?--recently i have been now. but before, no.

10. Do you take any pills or medication daily?--sadly, yes, and i hate it and cannot wait until cures, or easier methods are found or i am just off them completely.

11. How many times have you been to the hospital as a patient?--too many. do dr. appt. count? i have had eye surgery and i go in for check-ups.

12. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?--yes :)

13. Where do you buy your jeans?--anywhere that has a sale. Wal-mart is not too bad and neither is the trift store, especially when they have their 69 cent sale. 
14. What’s the last compliment you got?--it was yesterday. i believe in you and i am proud of you and your are beautiful.
15. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?--bits and pieces of it.

16. What flavor tea do you enjoy?--sweet and apple cinnamon, green, lemon. i like tea.  

17. What social media sites do you use?--too many! Facebook, Twitter, blogger, enviralize, bubblews and linkedin

what would your answers be?


Friday, March 21, 2014

Fill in 4 and Happies and Crappies

happy Friday! glad you finally showed up. so this was not the best week, but it was a week. on to the next one right? 

well, let's fill in the 4 blanks with Hilary at Feeling Beachie

The statements:
_________________ reminds me of _______
I find______________very _____________
My _____________people are_____________-/li>
 Too_______________we need________________

My Answers:
 GOOD SMELLS reminds me of FOOD
My FAVORITE people are NOT HERE :(

Happies and Crappies... w/The Vintage Modern Wife

--good communication this week
--on Spring Break
--Spring came this week
--got paid this week and tax refund too!
--doing better at going natural

--lost my voice
--massive 3 days headache
--not good news at the doctors
--being called a liar by people who should be by my side
--hate the fact that my diabetes is out of control right now, but i am SOOO hungry
--not too sure what i am going to do with my life
--my dad and have been going back at it and i hate it.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Boys Behind the Blog and Lovely Blog Hop

happy Thursday! oh boy what a day and one full of appts and fun facts, but that will be a later blog post. maybe on Thursday's i will start doing my weekly update since there is no real blog hop that i am a part of...hmmm? ok, back to Boys Behind the Blog :)

Never The Same Spice Twice

1. What's your lucky number?
--77--i guess two 7's are better than one

2. Do you have a lucky charm?
--yes, my pink bracelet. it helps calm me down since I am autistic and when i get stressed i wear it.  

3. Do you fill out a bracket for March Madness? Who do you want to win?
--no, i did not, but it looks like Michigan State will win.

4. March 10th is "Middle Name Pride Day." What's your middle name?

5. Submit one question that you would like to see on a future The Boys Behind the Blog.
--if you could have any job, what would it be?

grab your "boy" and ask them these questions! have fun!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My Currently...

happy wednesday! currently a lot is going on. i will also add on things from the link-up with Harvesting Kale as well. here we go...

currently i am...
--watching the Food Network
--chatting via Facebook
--researching all sorts of things.

the themes are: hoping, wondering, working, wearing, eating...

currently i am...

--hoping for a better future and good rest of the work week

--wondering what is the best method to heal and get my lost voice back

--working on lots of mini projects and research

--wearing pajama jeans and a flower top

--eating lots of bone broth.

*what is currently going on on your end?


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Coffee Chat and Q and A

happy Tuesday! it is time for some coffee and a little chat too! i am also going to link up with another Tuesday Question and answer too. these are too fun! you know what...i am on Spring Break, but my little brother is not, so i am taking him to classes and well, this post comes to you from the college campus library. fun indeed and this place is packed! i also forgot how hard it is to park on college campuses...sheese! here we go...

Tuesday Coffee Chat...What makes you Unique?

Time out for Mom

my my my, Les sure does come up with good questions. well, we are all unique in some way b/c there is no one else out there like us. not even if you are a twin. so what makes me unique? well...

--i am not yet 30
--i have a brother who is 7 years younger than me and is Autistic
--my family is from Nigeria, so in the real sense of the word and meaning, i am truly an African-American.
--i have lived in many places due to the military life of my mother. my favorite places had to be Orlando, FL (can we say Disney all the time and I swear I do no remember a single trip to the place in my younger days...hahah) and Sicly. oh how i wish i was not a teen when we went there and digital cameras were in existence so that i could take load of pics. 
--i love the dollar tree! if someone gave me a gift card to the place, i would be totally happy. i love to get my little snacks, drinks and make-up there. 
--i love Cool Gear type cups...i must have say 15 of them and you will never see me without a cup/drink in my hand or near me. i am all about staying hydrated.
--i would rather be hungry than thirsty.
--my full African name means "In the mist of plenty" as i have gotten older i see this meaning taking place. it does not mean money really, i am in the mist of plenty with friends, family and love and i know i have been spared many times
--i love McDonald's chicken nuggets and sweet tea!
--i love to shop/well really, find really good bargains
--i am a HUGE Florida State Fan!! GO NOLES, have been since age 2 or 3 b/c the gator as an animal scared me and i really liked the team (FSU) with the pony! do not judge me...i was 3-4 at the time :)

ok, now lets go to to more Q and A with me with Everyday Ruralty. i came across this blog link up from my friend who always leaves a sweet comment for me Retired not Tired :)
Everyday Ruralty
What are your favorite condiments?--ketchup, honey mustard, ranch dressing, honey, and splenda

What are you reading?--juicing books and lots of magazines. i need to get back to a good book.

What was the last dessert you had?--the pound cake i made

Wendell would like to know if you would build him a snowman. (If you don't have snow, just pretend. He's not detail oriented.)--sure, i would build him a snowman if he would help. since i live in FL it may really be a "sandman" instead.

Tell me something fun or interesting.--i miss climbing trees. i used to climb them all the time when i was younger. 


Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday "Green" Quiz about me and Funday Monday!

Happy Monday and Happy St. Patrick's Day! Here is some GREEN so you cannot pinch my blog...haha! here is the Monday Quiz about me with Acting Balanced and A fun blog link-up with Being Molly. 


Monday Quiz About Me...

1. March 17th is St. Patrick's Day - where do you think the Leprechaun hid his pot of gold?  Are you celebrating in any way?--the pot of gold is in Ireland in some haunted castle there...hahah, i do not know really. i will wear green and probably check out the festivities via TV.

2. What kind of luck do you have?--i would say i have good luck. there have been many things i have be saved from in my short life thus far. call it blessings or luck, i have it right now. 

3. Do you have a favorite pair of shoes right now?--anything flat. i am not much of a heels person, but i can pull it off if i need to.

4. What is your current theme song?--oh theme song? anything positive. lately i have been listening to a lot of Boys 2 Men..."Water Runs Dry". the song got me thinking and my "luck" kicked in and such. 


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Stealing and Social

The Yeah Meme w/Sunday Stealing. 

Do you have another window or tab open? If so, what are they for?--yes, a writing site and pinterest and Facebook tab

Do you like to cook/bake?--yes to both :) 

What are you currently listening to?--the TV and NCIS Los Angeles waiting for Law and Order SVU to come on. 

How long have you lived in the house you live in?--i have been at the house for almost 4 years. i moved back home. the house has been around for 10 years.

Are you tired?--yes, seems like all the time too! 

Do you pick your words carefully, or just tend to blurt everything out?--depends. if i am mad then blurt out, if i am calm/in a meeting...carefully.

Are you nice to everyone?--i try to be

Have you ever tripped in public?--yes on a date too :( it worked out in the end.

Are you a morning person or a night person?--both really, but morning b/c i do like to sleep.

Is it easier to forgive or forget?--easier to forgive, depending on what it is, it is really hard to forget. one just tries not to think about it. 

Is there something that’s recently shocked you?--yes...the last episode of Scandal and some people.

Which is harder: walking away from somebody you love or coming back?--harder to walk away, that is why often times, especially women, we stay and hope we can work out the differences. regardless of how bad it may be. this is one reason why women who are abused often times stay b/c they are still in love and it is not that easy to just walk away. 

What were you doing at midnight last night?--running back and forth to the bathroom and watching Chopped.

What color are your eyes?--dark brown, almost black. 

Time for Sunday Social this too!

Sunday Social

How much time do you spend on Social Media a day?…be honest:--i spend a lot of time on it. i use a lot of work online free earning sites and i write online for passive income too.
How long were you reading blogs before you started a blog?--it was a short time. my friends who posted their blog links on Facebook got me interested in starting one. so far it has been a blast. i do kind of wish i can make money off my blog as some of you do. 
What is your favorite kind of cupcake?--any kind as long as it has cream cheese frosting on it, i am good. i do like red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.
Do you eat fast food? If so whats your favorite?--not really with the fast food. i do like McDonalds because i am a fan of the sweet tea. but i do like Burger King b/c i get points for there, the Whopper is not too bad.
What is the most random thing someone would find in your purse?--a bag of candy. i need to keep some in there just in case i go low and shopping with my mother, who never seems to get hungry...who knows when you will get to eat.
What is the weirdest TV show you watch?--Bizarre foods with Andrew Zimmerman and native movies via YouTube.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fill-In 4 and Happies and Crappies

Friday 4--Follow along :) with Feeling Beachie w/Hilary
Feeling Beachie

The statements:

Saying ____ is ____for me.
I am ___ by nature
If I stay in a hotel it must have ___
 If someone gave me ___ I would ___

My Answers:

Saying I LOVE YOU is PERFECT for me.
I am IMPRESSED by nature
If I stay in a hotel it must have A MINI FRIDGE
 If someone gave me ROSES AND LILLIES I would BE OVER THE MOON

The Vintage Modern Wife and Brunch With Amber: Happies and Crappies Link Up

--had a great guest over for the week
--got 2 days off of work
--got a great yearly evaluation
--had great food with my guest all week
--saw a movie in the movie theater for the first time in a while

--i need to get back to working out
--i have a ton to clean up
--my cycle started :(
--still no great sales going on with BCS champions shirts yet...sad! 
--my guest leaves this week...sad!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Currently for me today...

hello Wednesday! so here is my version of currently today...b/c well, i am super excited and want to get back to things and catching up!

--i have company! yea! super excited and looking forward to spending/having a good time and catching up.

--i am waiting for 4:00pm to show up so i can go home for good for the day as i have 2 days off

--i am sort of worried about my work evaluation. i hope and pray it is a good one.

--i am deciding what to wear this evening. we shall see. 

--i am working on files and slowly, but surely getting there

--i have some time alone so that is good and there is WAY too much food at the house right now. looks like I need to begin freezing them. oh joy!

*what are you currently doing?


Tuesday, March 11, 2014


happy Tuesday! coffee chat time! let's talk about passion... no, not the soap...this one may be all over the place, but hey passion usually is right?

the secret of passion-how does one find their a passion?

hmmm, what a good question for the rainy and cold still in March Tuesday still in Florida. there is really no right or wrong answer to this one so here we go. one can find their passion by first deciding on what it is they like. what do you like? i like many things so at times i have had to narrow it down to say 5 and focus on that. experimenting also allows you to find your passion. like with this blog. i now have passion for it and i make an effort to try and update it daily even if it is through questions from a blog hop or link up.

i have passion for life now when i did not so much before. i strive to do my best and stay healthy so i can live a long life. passion comes from believing in yourself and your faith. as long as you are doing right and doing what you love your passion for that thing will show. passion can come and go and that is ok, just keep doing what you love and it is ok to sit and think about what your passion may be and then go for it.


Monday, March 10, 2014

About Me and Pinterest Sunday Social.

1. March 10th is Middle Name Pride Day - are you proud of your middle name?  What is it and is there a story behind it?--eh, i like my middle name. it is of African origin. it is Ogechi (O-gay-che) and it means God's time is the best. it is pretty neat!
2. What makes you happy?--lots. sleep, food, shopping, love, chatting with a good friend, other people who have come up from being down, life in general all makes me happy.
3. What do you consider to be 'middle age'?--NO!! i am not yet 30 yet...will be this year though then we can ask again :)
4. What is your fondest memory of your grandparents?--going to visit them in Africa and they taking me around and hearing stories on their lap and wearing traditional clothing and being allowed to sit in the BIG Grandpa chair with his BIG feather stick. 

Check out this neat blog hop too with Being Molly

Sunday Social--yes, i missed it on Sunday, but better late than never...
all about Pinterest. enjoy the pics! you can follow my PINS HERE!

1. What is your favorite outfit pin?
 .love the colors!

2. What is your favorite food pin?
Classic Baked Ziti!

3. What is your favorite wedding pin?--sit where you like, we are about to be ONE family anyway :)

Sit where you like...we are about to be one family anyway!
4. What is your favorite DIY/craft pin?
1/8 Cup of fabric softener (I used Downy April Fresh) 2 tablespoons Baking Soda Hot tap water Preparation:Using a funnel, pour fabric softener and baking soda into your spray bottle. Fill spray bottle with hot tap water and shake well. Now go spray every fabric surface in your house and take a nap on your very comfortable and now un-stinky couch. :) Store-bought Febreze: 5.59 Homemade Febreze: .15 Total Savings: 5.44 OR 97.3%!

5. What is your favorite quote/verse/lyric pin?
why does this guy have the best outlook on women?
6. Share one more random pin you love.
 Sweet worship. Beautiful.