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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Coffee Chat--Men are needed!

happy Tuesday. yep, time for some coffee and a little chat. it is about the men and well...i am keeping it simple. 

so the theme this chat is about men and how you would like them to  "woo" you.

Time out for Mom

yes, i agree there has been a lot of man basing lately in various forms (media, social media, internet etc.) and i agree with Rory, it became worse after the California Massacre. right now women are on the war path with the hashtag #YesAllWomen. first let me say, it is good that women are taking a stand as they should. however, the man bashing does have to stop. men are needed. they are part of the human race. without them and us women, life would no longer exist and we cannot procreate anymore. sure, men do bad things to women but on the flip side, women do bad things to men. it comes in many forms from both genders. bottom line is this, bashing of any gender and race needs to stop and for us women, remember, men are needed and wanted and there are plenty of men out there who know a woman's worth and need and want us too!

back to the "wooing" well, i keep it simple. just be nice, kind, caring, and respectful of me and i will do the same. be there to support and listen. be loyal. do what you can from the heart. little gifts are nice, but really communication is key. a hello call, text, message, e-card (oh i do love e-cards) can make all the difference. each man is different so be kind and appreciative of what he can offer and it is a good idea to always assume it is coming from a good place. as they say how you say "hello" can shape how the day will be. make it a good one and continue to work with each other. happy "wooing"!



  1. There's always a bad one in every bunch. Doesn't make the whole bunch bad. :-)

    1. Yes indeed, one bad one tends to spoil it for others. i wish they would showcase more good men.

  2. The older I get, the more I realize communication is so so important. Attraction and making you laugh, etc etc. are all great things - but you absolutely have to be able to communicate well. But I do love gentleman; that's for sure.
    And yeah, somehow I just don't think that bashing men, is the right way to raise them up to be better. but somehow we have to find the "thing" that does make them want to be better men.

    1. each man is different. overtime you learn how to communicate better. i am sure they say the same for us women.


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