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Thursday, May 22, 2014

TOT meme--Join me I host this!

Welcome to the Thursday Meme called Three (3) on Thursday or hey...the TOT Meme! I am teaming up with WTIT who does the popular Memes such as Stealing Sunday and Saturday 9. Now, you can add this one to your list! (click the pic below to go to the link-up).

3 on Thursday

There will be... you guessed it...THREE (3) questions each (ok, well most) Thursdays and all you have to do is answer them in your blog, link up, have fun, and make a new friend perhaps by leaving a comment...we all love a comment or two :). My answers will be on my blog Eloquent Rambles. Have fun and lets get started!

1. What is your favorite Summer time Activity?---anything involving the water :) pools, beach, water park etc.

2. What is your favorite "healthy" food to eat?---i actually like raw veggies (like carrots, brocolli, calliflower, cucumbers etc. plain with no dip/dressing).

3. Do you ever think we will have  a woman president? (If you would like to state who you think would be a good woman president, you may, just be respectful to others and it is their choice/opinion).---as a woman, i think we will have a woman president sooner than we think. may things have happened and the level of tolerance for other races and gender has improved. i think as a society we are finally beginning to realize that we all have potential and anyone if they are able can do anything.

**Answer, Link-up, Have fun, and Make a Friend :) *

do not forget to link-up with Her and Nicole for the Lovely Blog Hop!


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