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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 12-A day in my life

day 12 of the june blog challenge is about your day in bullets. wahoo...ready, set, go!
 5:25am-wake-up, shower, get dressed etc.
6:40am leave the house for work
7:00am at the office seeing students-some are nice, some are a handful and blame you for EVERYTHING that is going wrong. try to eat something and claim to call it a breakfast! somewhere in between the students etc, i find time to blog :) and talk to my love etc.
1:30pm lunch time-my only break it i run to the local dollar tree or eat lunch with a work friend
2:30pm-5:00pm-more students
5:00pm-done with the work day, off to pick up mom from work
  6:00pm home-hey family :)
try to exercise if i can-i really need a stationary bike
cook or reheat leftovers for dinner
8:00pm-12:00am-catch up on my personal e-mails and such on the computer/quiet time/prayers/skype with my love
12:00am or midnight 30-go to sleep...hopefully before midnight and ready to do it all again the next morning.
 --yep, i am tired most days... are you from reading this? LOL!

~eloquently rambling...


  1. Seems as hectic as my day feels lol, There never seems to be enough hours in a day.

    1. Erica, i could not agree more! thanks for stopping by!

  2. Ugh. I don't know how you do it. And deal with whiney kids all day... LOL I get a decent amount of sleep and these two alone make me nuts!

    1. hahah too funny! i hope to experience that kind of busy soon! love your kiddos and you too Mand the M :)

  3. I'm seeing a pattern in the blogs I'm readying so far, lots crammed into one day.

    1. LOL, yep, we all have busy days in our own right!


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