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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sugar & Spice-Taste Nice!

mmm, i love to cook! spices are generally the key to making food taste its best. so i ask, other than salt and pepper, what are your must have spices when cooking? mine is the smell and taste of it. i add it to just about everything...but desserts...although i am sure there is a garlic inspired dessert out there; pinterest probably has it ready to pin.

~eloquently rambling...


  1. Garlic!!!!! Oh my husband and I love anything with garlic.

    1. Jen, me too on that! sometimes all you need is salt, pepper, and garlic and bam, done!

  2. Basil is my favorite!! It goes into also everything.

    1. AWML...hmm, interesting. i think of basil for things like salad and pesto and mixed in with some pasta sauces, but that is really it. how do you use it? it smells great though!

  3. Garlic is my favorite as well and I'm beginning to branch out into different spices, from what I'd normally carry at home at least. I need to get my hands on some garam masala so that can make me an Indian Curry and one day soon I'll not be in a rush to get it all cooked so that I can blog some recipes!

    1. Donna, i am glad to hear you are branching out! WTG. Curry is good...heavy smell though if you use too much, but good with beef and chicken. would love to see the creations you make in the kitchen!

  4. Your jellybean background is making me want jellybeans so bad! I am a new follower from the GFC blog hop and would love it if you checked out my blog and considered following back.

    Alise @ Readers In Wonderland

    1. Alise, thank you for checking me out and the cute jellybeans comment! i hope you have some handy! i will check out your blog too and i do follow back!

  5. I love garlic and onions in everything- I cant eat too much, in fact when I feel sore in my throat, I take garlic and lemon juice and olive oil and what ever else is there and mix it together and eat a good tablespoon or so and always feel better! Praying for you! have a great week!

    1. thank you for the prayers Kelly! i am not an onion fan, but i will not pick them out, but also will not specifically ask for them either. i may have to try your sore throat cure :)


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