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Thursday, May 30, 2013

day 30...Letting Go!

day 30 of blogging everyday in may. wow! a whole 30 days of straight blogging. oh wow! if i miss a few days you all will understand right? so today lets talk about "letting go". what does this BROAD term mean to you? most often we use this term in the sense of relationships when then end. different meaning for different people. here is my take on it:
"letting go" means just that...letting go. no more worries. no more feeling bad, no hard feeling. forgive, but not forget. move on with your live. take the lessons learned and use them to become better. go on by yourself. let go of the hand you have been holding. it is hard, but doable and most times will only make you stronger. here are some pictures (thanks google) that help explain "letting go"


~eloquently rambling...


  1. I love it! sometimes we hold on to things that we don't need to thanks. Now following you from life on lakeshore drive blog hop, I invite you to visit my blog ♥ from México :)

    1. thank you for your sweet comment. i will have to check out your blog. i bet Mexico is SO nice. ahhh!

  2. It's too hard to let something go sometimes , but if it is for a better movement , it would never hurt memories again :)
    Noor @ Noor's Place

    1. Noor, yes it can be hard. love your name. already following your blog sweet girl. enjoy your summer and cannot wait to read more :)


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